Welcome to Boxy Ladies! We are very glad you are here. Boxy Ladies is the brain child of friends Jill and Lauren and their mutual love of subscription boxes. We each subscribe to a variety of boxes, and historically, each month upon opening, we would always send each other pictures of our new treasures and tell each other about any new boxes we discover. Since we are doing it anyway, we thought we’d share the wealth!
We decided we needed to start a blog not only to review the different boxes we get but we also want to share other things we love. Lauren is a product junkie and wants to finally put her passion for makeup to use. Jill can wax poetic on different brands of skinny jeans. Every now and then we might post a recipe, or a link to a song we just can’t get enough of. The sky is the limit and we are so excited to get started.
Please bear with us at the beginning as we will be tweaking formatting and figuring out scheduling of the different blogs as we want to bring you new content as often as possible.
So here it is! We’d love to hear from you! Feel free to comment on your favorite posts, send us an email at ThoseBoxyLadies@gmail.com or find us on twitter at @BoxyLadies. We’ll meander into other social media as we grow. Also, please subscribe to the blog by clicking the Follow button and you’ll receive each new post in your email box! What could be better than that?