Hello, my name is Jill and I am an addict. A nail polish addict. And after this post, you will be too.

Julep is constantly reinventing itself. Whether they’re coming out with new bath/body products, cosmetics, or even hair styling items, they are always coming out with something new and different that I absolutely MUST TRY. Recently they took it one step further and came out with their daily Secret Score (not to be confused with their Secret Store, which is a whole other blog post entirely). It’s secret only because it’s exclusively available for people with iPhones (sorry, Android users) with the Julep app. Every day at 9am PST (or noon for us east coast folks) they release a new sale. The sale is only good for that day, and is only available until it’s sold out. If these sales were available for longer than a day, we’d all be in trouble. Or at least I would be.

These deals aren’t just ok, they are FANTASTIC. They aren’t just one polish for a discount, they are a group of things for more than half off. Each day has a theme, and I can’t even tell you how much self control I demonstrate when I pass up a daily score. They are that good. It’s also really easy to use because the Julep app has literally 2 features and uses – when you open it, you either can access the monthly Maven selection or the daily Secret Score. You can’t even access both, just one or the other, depending on the day. Us polish-heads must be a little light in the noggin because this is basically Baby’s First App.

Here are the past 6 secret scores:

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And now you understand why I am so obsessed. LOOK HOW CHEAP THEY ARE. A new Secret Score is announced each weekday when the Maven window is not open (which now seems like the longest week ever).

Julep products are ordinarily not cheap. Full-priced polish is either $11.20 or $14.00 (depending on if you’re a Maven or not), and their cosmetics/products can often cost up to $35 or so. Personally I only drop that kind of cash on a product if I am 100% certain I’m going to love it, so I know that if I wait long enough, a lot of Julep’s products will end up being a Secret Score at some point and I can try them for way less than the retail price (and it will probably come bundled with a bunch of other goodies).

Move over LivingSocial or Groupon, because Julep’s daily Secret Score is my new favorite daily deal.



PS Become a Julep Maven here! If you love polish and cosmetics and amazing daily deals, this is one subscription box you’ll want to get! 

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