It is January Pennie Post time! I found that I have loved this snail mail correspondence subscription so much that I went ahead and signed up for 6 months of it for $60. If you wanted to subscribe for one month, it is $11, $33/3mo, $60/6mo and $110/12mo. The only thing I would like to point out is that this is not a recurring subscription– if you wanted to pay $11 for one month, you would have to sign up again to get it for the next month. For this reason, I like doing a few months at a time. I initially started with 3 months to see how I felt about it but I like it so much that I’ve extended it.
Writing cards and letters really goes hand in hand with my hand lettering goal this year so these cards give me an excuse to practice while also brightening someone’s day. Getting a nice card is always such a thoughtful gesture that almost everyone would appreciate. Well, maybe not a lot of guys. Matt goes for months without checking his mail. I learned that the hard way.
I liked receiving a thank you note in January. It’s the perfect time to say thank you, right? I know Matt and I got quite the haul this year so it was nice to take the time to send a thank you note. I sent this to Melissa who sent us the champagne glasses we had on our registry. We had such high hopes of using them on New Year’s Eve to toast at midnight and then I totally fell asleep at 11pm. But I’m excited about having my first set of champagne glasses. Maybe in our new house I can host a New Year’s Eve get together and I won’t fall asleep at 11. One can dream.
This card is so pretty and winter-y. It reminds me of the trees out front of my grandparents’ old house in Colorado in the winter. This is one card I haven’t sent yet but I just had an idea of who to send it to. Here’s a hint: it’s one of my blog readers!
I love that Pennie Post always sends at least one “cutesy” card with an animal or cute characters along with more modern cards. They really do send a great variety. I also really liked this card because it “forced” me to buy a white pen. (I love Amazon Prime– I can get free two day shipping for one pen.) I sent this to my friend Jess because one of her new year’s resolutions is to help people with their own resolutions. I figure that doing some neat hand lettering on her envelope would qualify as helping her help me. I spent over an hour on the envelope… and then I realized I spelled her last name wrong. I blame her. She and her husband both have ridiculous (and different) names. However, I am going to send it to her anyway and that can be her new nickname.
Final Grade: A
Pennie Post never disappoints me. For $11/mo (or $10/mo if you pre-pay like I did) you receive such great cards that encourage you to snail mail and brighten someone’s day. I love that. They don’t have any referral links but if you are interested in subscribing, click here!
Lauren pays for this subscription.
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