
My May Taste Trunk box arrived with my replacement April Taste Trunk box, so bear with me while I review them in rapid fire succession. This was definitely one of the best Taste Trunk I’ve gotten, so I don’t mind that they all showed up at once.


If you’re not familiar with Taste Trunk, it’s a monthly box for people who like awesome food. You get to choose between the Gourmet Trunk, the BBQ Trunk, and the Sweet Trunk – each are $35/month. Whichever box you choose, it’ll be packed with high-end tasty treats.

Here’s what was in the May Gourmet Trunk:


Napa Valley Macadamia Infused Oil Blend – $10.00: Taste Trunk must somehow be affiliated with this Wine Country Kitchens company that houses Napa Valley and Napa Jack’s, because each of their Gourmet Trunks include items from this company. That said, who the hell cares. Their stuff is awesome. I have never used macadamia oil, so I am really excited to add this to my growing oil collection!


Napa Jack’s Chardonnay & Roasted Garlic Marinade – $5.99: I love this marinade. Chardonnay and roasted garlic are so delicious together, and I can’t wait to toss this on some pork or chicken and grill it up. Tis the season for cookouts and parties, so I a fairly confident this will wind up being shared.



Southern Culture Bourbon Pecan Praline Bacon Rub – $7.99: Bourbon Pecan Praline Bacon Rub. Just let that settle into your brain. I feel like I don’t even need to review this because it’s a tub meant to make candied bacon, and this is a truth that is deemed self-evident. Just enjoy the fact that this product exists.


Wine Country Kitchen Meyer Lemon & Shallot Cocktail Sauce – $4.99: In Maryland we eat a lot of crabs (go figure, this is crab country), and we host a few crab feasts each summer. Hosting a crab feast generally means that there is a lot of crab left over, which means crab and shrimp cocktail! If you’ve never had that, come to Maryland. It’s delicious.

Final Rating: A

Taste Trunk really knows what I like. They always send interesting items (and full size!!) that I end up enjoying quite a bit. Another great box!

If you’re interested in checking out Taste Trunk, use my referral link here!




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