My obsession with Baublebar is not news… I have been kind of obsessed with their on-trend, reasonably priced jewelry for quite some time now. This stuff won’t be those things you treasure forever but Baublebar consistently produces great costume jewelry that earns me tons of compliments. I love compliments. And jewelry. I heart Baublebar. (And if you click this link and sign up for their emails, you can get 15% off your first order! And with every dollar you spend, you earn points to spend in their shop!)

Stargirl Ear Adornment Set ($20): I get SO many compliments on the actual earrings in this set. And right now the whole set is on sale for $20! Get it!

Ear Jackets Trio


Fishhook Choker ($18): I recently got this necklace in gold and I love it. I am eyeballing this one in cobalt blue REALLY HARD. I mean, it is marked down to $18 from $44. I paid more than $18 for mine. You all should really jump on this.

fishhook choker


Hook Ear Jackets $28: I got these earrings in a set and I wasn’t expecting much from them because I don’t think the pictures exactly do them justice. I didn’t totally understand them at first. Others probably got what Baublebar was getting at right away but when you look at them in this picture, it isn’t immediately clear. But when you wear them, it looks like one big hook instead of two pieces. And that is kind of a cool girl alternative to gold hoops.

hook ear jackets


Orwell Bib Necklace ($68): I’m going to be honest with you… I got this on sale for $25 the other day because Baublebar has such awesome flash sales… you should really sign up for their emails ASAP. This thing is huge! Feels like armor and it’s heavy also. It’s definitely a showstopper.

chain orwell bib

Sailor’s Knot Collar Necklace ($48): I don’t have this necklace but it’s another one I have my eye on…

sailor collar


Heli Ear Jackets ($32): I love these ear jackets! They seem kind of geometric and modern but also kind of subtle.

heli ear jackets


Pearl Fang Ear Jackets ($32): I love these Pearl Fang Ear Jackets. They are pearls so they are classic but they also have a bit of an edge. I wear these a lot.

pearl fang ear jacketsRihannon Ear Crawler Set ($32): This is a newer look for me… the whole asymmetrical/giant ear cuff type look. But I like it more for a night out than a work look– also recommend it for night because the clip at the top of the cuff can kind of hurt after a little while. #TruthTalk

Rhiannon Ear Crawler Set

Slim Bow Drops ($32):  These slim gold slivers are so dainty and subtly pretty. They add a bit of sparkle to my hair when I wear my (blonde) hair down. I don’t think they are too flashy for work either.

slim bow drops


So, did y’all see anything you like here? Baublebar is actually having a huge Labor Day sale so I really think you should check it out and see if anything else strikes your fancy! Let me know what you get!

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