It’s Julep Maven time again! For those of you just joining us, the Julep Maven program allows you to customize a box of 2-3 nail polishes and other beauty products for just $24.99/month. However, Julep just rewarded some of their long-time Mavens with special discounted box pricing, so I think my base box is now $20/month, which was the price it was when I first joined, prior to the customizable boxes! They also allow you to add the appropriately named “Add-On” products to your box for extremely discounted prices. You also earn points or “Jules” for taking your monthly boxes and you can apply these Jules to purchases. This month, I added 2 Add-Ons to my box but also applied my remaining Jules which brought the total of my box to right around $28.97. Score. Julep will also reward you for adding the 3 Add-Ons to your box and give you another polish, but I didn’t do that this month.

Julep Maven March 2016

In the past, each month would have a theme, but it looks like this month, it’s just called The March collection. Simple enough!

So let’s see what I got this month! I didn’t go crazy and buy all sorts of things. I’m trying this new concept of only buying things I love. Sounds novel, eh? Also, Julep didn’t release any new beauty or skincare products this month, outside of some new eye liner colors and those did not interest me.

What did interest me very much were these three polishes!

  • Cecile: Caribbean breeze holographic jelly – Oh man. I could not buy this fast enough. This shade of teal-ish green is one of my favorite colors. I also love the Holographic and the Jelly finishes and this was a combo so this was an absolute no-brainer. I put this on pretty much immediately and it’s just as beautiful as I imagined!
  • Sage: Green tea chrome – I loved the very slight green tint of this silvery color. I don’t always have the best luck with how chromes wear – sometimes I think it takes very specific brush strokes to make them not look streaky. But I’ll see if I have better luck with this one because I really like it.
  • Yiyi: Pink freesia holographic jelly – Another holographic jelly! Of course I bought it instantly. Pink isn’t my favorite polish color but I had to have it for the finish! Jellies have always been SO shiny and so I was interested in what a holo jelly would look like. Spoiler alert: super pretty!

And here were the two add-ons I chose. I swore I already owned Poppy, as it is one of those aforementioned Jellies, and I have always looked at it. I’m not sure the picture does it justice, but it really is more of an orange-red. I think it’s great for hot summer nights! I also couldn’t resist the Pearl Gem Decals. Putting a single one of these on a nail with tweezers is nail art that even *I* am patient enough to pull off.

Swatches (from top) Poppy, Cecile, Yiyi, Sage

Final Grade: A+

First of all, I’m thrilled that Julep lowered their prices for their loyal Mavens! That was awesome. Second, I love everything I chose this month! Not a disappointment in the bunch.

Julep is a treat without and incentive but they always offer pretty sweet steals for signing up! Right now, one of their awesome deals is when you sign up for their monthly subscription, you can get Julep’s RSVP Eye Shadow Palette for free. Click here to sign up!


Purchased; post contains affiliate links

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