My July Julep Maven box was so much better than my June Maven box because this time around, I actually saved the products I wanted! Wooo!

As a reminder, the Julep Maven program allows you to customize a box of 2-3 nail polishes and other beauty products for just $24.99/month. However, Julep just rewarded some of their long-time Mavens with special discounted box pricing, so I think my base box is now $20/month, which was the price it was when I first joined, prior to the customizable boxes! They also allow you to add the appropriately named “Add-On” products to your box for extremely discounted prices. You also earn points or “Jules” for taking your monthly boxes and you can apply these Jules to purchases. My total this month came to $27.04. (Note: The prices next to the products in this post do not reflect Maven pricing. If you are a Maven, you get a ton of awesome discounts and never pay full price for polish. 🙂 )

Each month, Julep includes a little insert about some of their current products with a quote on the back. But let’s see what I chose this month! 

Here is what I chose in my July Julep Maven box. I’ll go into everything in more detail below.

Fleur, Evening bloom matte glitter ($14) and Eunice, Ultramarine blue shimmer ($14) were the polishes I chose this month. I feel like I get varying shades of this blue over and over again but it doesn’t make me like each one any less. Eunice was gorgeous on. I swatched it below but you can also see that I’m wearing it in the picture as well. I love it. I was also really interested in Fleur, because of the light/pastel colored glitter in a black base. Unlike Eunice, this is not something I’ve seen before and I really like it.

Here are some swatches. Fleur is on the left and Eunice is on the right.

Julep When Pencil Met Gel in Sunset Gold ($16): I had intended to include this in last month’s box but I made a mistake and my preferences didn’t save. So I still wanted to include it. It’s a little between gold and bronzy and I think it’s really pretty. When I swatched the color, the tip of the pencil broke right off. Hopefully it’s just a fluke and I’ll just sharpen it and it’s not too soft or weak. I think this will be really pretty in the inner eye area, or on the top lid. Cinna-style.

Water Droplet Decals ($5?): I have gotten different decals from Julep before and liked them and I thought these were really pretty and might look really cool over Eunice. I couldn’t find the decals on Julep’s site.

Final Grade: A

Once I figured out how to work a computer and was able to save my preferences this month, I got exactly the box I wanted! Funny how that works. So I was really pleased with everything. I love both polishes and I think the eyeliner will be good as well. We’ll see how the water droplets work out.

If you are interested in checking out the Julep Maven profile for yourself, click the following picture to get a 6-piece set when you join the Julep Maven program!


Purchased; All opinions are my own
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