First of all:  Happy Birthday, Jill! I love you, and you will have a present coming to you from me later this month. You will get to celebrate your birthday all over again! Yay! I love you so much, and I am so glad you were born. I’m also glad we became besties and also became famous for eating bacon on the Travel Channel. I’m glad we eventually started this blog as an excuse to buy ourselves presents. We are geniuses. Can’t wait to see you again in the next few months!

Now, onto the topic at hand! I’ve mentioned my love of TheSkimm in previous blogs. While it’s not my only source of news, their SkimmBassador program allows those who have shared the Skimm with at least 10+ people to network together in a Facebook group. I’ve virtually “met” some incredibly cool and smart people through this group, which I think is really awesome. One of those people is a woman named Trudy Larson, who actually has her own lifestyle blog, Tru Life Blog. I’ve connected with her in the main group, in addition to some of the side groups (Beauty/Bravo/Taylor Swift) and I always tend to pay attention to what she has to say – One, because she’s freaking gorgeous and I want to know all of her secrets. But mostly because I’ve picked up on how truly accomplished she is and I just wanted to selfishly pick her brain!

This was also a perfect time to introduce interviews to the blog, as there are often people I’ve thought about asking about doing interviews but I hadn’t really done any yet. So I wanted to take some time to figure out how I was going to actually implement this. What kinds of questions I wanted to ask, etc. Luckily, Trudy was an amazing First Interview-ee, and I’m so excited about how it all came together. Please enjoy! And don’t forget to check out her blog – after you’re done reading ours, of course. 🙂


  • Tell us a bit about yourself! I’m Trudy Larson, and I am a 52 year old, married mother of one son, one adorable Frenchie (Chops), and one big, beautiful horse (Tito). I was born in Tripoli, Libya, and grew up in Stowe, Vermont. I chased my dreams of working in fashion to NYC 28 years ago, and have lived in NJ ever since.

  • Tell us what you do for work and a bit about about your PR career trajectory. At one point I remember seeing your video resume and was just so dang impressed with you! I’m interested in how you got started in the industry and how you got to where you are today. I have always known that I wanted to work in fashion, and was captivated by every fashion magazine I could get my hands on. After graduation I was lucky enough to land an internship (unpaid) at Mirabella, a lifestyle & fashion magazine for strong, smart, independent women. I worked my way up to being an editor, and when the magazine was sold I went to work for Sam (Edelman) & Libby, working on PR and marketing. Since then I have run marketing departments for some really fun brands, like Candie’s (including the Jenny McCarthy campaign), and Joseph Abboud. A few years ago I decided that I wanted a change of pace, and joined a consulting firm, where I have a more flexible work schedule, and get to work with a lot of fashion brands.

  • [To give a bit of background to this question, at one point, I asked the SB Facebook group how true that movie/television Fashion Magazine Editor life is. You know the type of movies, where they are all set in NYC, and every female character is a fashion editor or works in Marketing/PR. Everything about that Hollywood version of life seems so glamorous, so I asked those who actually live that life how true it is!]  I remember you mentioned you lived that “Magazine Editor Movie Downtown New Yorker” life for a bit – tell me about it! What were the perks? What do movies not tell us about that faux aspirational lifestyle? Hmmmm… the perks were getting to handle the most amazing clothing and accessories in the industry, always knowing what trends were happening about a year before the general public, attending fashion shows and industry events. Some of the not so glamorous moments… packing and unpacking cases of clothes until midnight, confirming and retyping editors’ Rolodexes, basic grunt work. But really, the even the bad stuff wasn’t too bad.

  • What have been some of the highlights of your career? Working with tons of celebs on campaigns for the brands I represented. Negotiating and executing deals to dress all of the NFL Coaches, NBA coaches, Sports commentators, the US Olympic Basketball team. Co-founding a charity to educate teens and prevent teen pregnancy. Creating a campaign to give a million dollars worth of suits to veterans returning from war who were re-entering the work force.

  • Who was the most exciting person you’ve ever met? So many. Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Dwayne Wade, Britney Spears, and a ton of lesser known stars. [Lauren’s note: I want to know about the lesser known stars, too!]

  • What is the greatest life advice you’ve ever received? “When in doubt, do what’s right.: It is great advice in work, as well as life in general. Second best – “Run your own race.” Don’t ever worry about whether anyone else is doing better, making more, etc., just do your best.

  • If someone reading this was interested in doing what you do, what advice would you give them? Network, network, network.

  • We know you have your own lifestyle blog, TruLife. Tell us about it and why you decided to start one! Lots of friends kept asking me about my crazy life, so I thought this would be a fun way to share it. I also recognize that many women who are 50+ years old are facing the challenge of balancing family, work, and their changing bodies, so I hope to share the solutions that I’ve found to all the issues we face every day.

  • How often do you travel and where is your favorite place to go? I travel as often as possible – generally about once a month. We have a second home in Arizona, and I try to get there about every 4-6 weeks. It’s the place that allows me to exhale, and regain my balance. It’s truly my zen. We also love to travel to Orange County, LA, and Italy.

  • What are your travel essentials? I am SUCH a light traveller from years of business travel. I always carry a throw and fuzzy socks to keep my warm on the plane. A bag of almonds, and reading materials. I also like to put on a super moisturizing mask just before I fly since it’s easy for skin to dry out in the air.

  • What are your hobbies outside of blogging? I have a 22-year-old son, so time with him is a treat. I have a horse, and ride about 4 days a week. I like to cook when I have time. and I read constantly. I also have a Frenchie, and spend time creating content for HIS insta page. (@chopsthefrenchie)

  • What are your favorite books? Favorite band? Favorite movie? My favorite book ever was Les Miserable. I also loved Lilac Girls, and lots of thrillers. I can’t pass by Remember The Titans, The Notebook, or The Help whenever they’re on. I’m a big Taylor Swift fan, but my favorite band is probably the Eagles (showing my age).

  • Do you have any guilty pleasures? Bravo TV shows. Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. Titos with fresh Grapefruit juice and soda.

  • Do you have a quote or motto that you live by? “Keep your heels, head, and standards high.”

A self-proclaimed beauty junkie/hoarder with a serious Sephora problem. This blog is a total rationalization of that problem. Everything is TOTALLY fine. Her free time is a mixed combination of making fun of reality TV with her husband, hanging out with cats and finally trying to figure out how to do her hair.

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