Boxy Ladies


A self-proclaimed beauty junkie/hoarder with a serious Sephora problem. This blog is a total rationalization of that problem. Everything is TOTALLY fine. Her free time is a mixed combination of making fun of reality TV with her husband, hanging out with cats and finally trying to figure out how to do her hair.

Allure Sample Society: June 2015

Editor’s Note: Ummm so you might have noticed there was no blog yesterday. This blog was supposed to post yesterday but I set it to post for PM instead of AM. Whoops. Mistakes happen and this ain’t exactly brain surgery! Enjoy this (belated) blog.  Allure Sample Society is one of my favorite boxes! I like […] Read more…

Birchbox: June 2015 (Lauren’s Box)

I have to say I am LOVING the actual boxes that the Birchbox samples are coming in this year. I feel like every box tops the last (though I still heart the Rifle Paper Co. box we got in April!) For those of you just joining us, Birchbox is the grandaddy of all subscription boxes. […] Read more…

The Makeup Show Dallas: Part 2

Hi again! I hope you had a chance to check out Part 1 of my The Makeup Show Dallas experience! But I am going to tell you a secret… I have saved my favorite parts for last. I previously referenced my adoration for Director of Education of The Makeup Show and celebrity makeup artist extraordinaire […] Read more…

The Makeup Show Dallas: Part 1

“Contouring  makes me angry. Everyone keeps trying to keep up with those Kardashians by drawing brown stripes on their faces.” This was just one of the hilarious and memorable quotes from professional makeup artist (and one of my personal heroes) James Vincent at The Makeup Show Dallas (TMS.) TMS reached out to me a few weeks […] Read more…

Friday Favorites

I haven’t done a mixed bag of Friday Favorites in awhile. So while I’m gearing up for The Makeup Show this weekend, I wanted to leave you with a few things that I’ve been loving lately… Cover Girl The Super Sizer Mascara: I’ve been spoiled by fancy mascaras lately when I used to just swear by […] Read more…

Fabletics: May& June 2015

Well, it was bound to happen eventually. I found another subscription box I needed. Fabletics is my new favorite thing. I just started doing yoga regularly and my first thought after, “Hey, I actually like yoga.” was “I need new yoga clothes!” Kate Hudson made this really easy for us. In a world with $100 […] Read more…

Friday Favorites: The Makeup Show is Coming!

The Makeup Show is coming to Dallas! This is exciting news for The Boxy Ladies as the Makeup Show PR team actually reached out and gave us press passes to attend this awesome event! After I picked myself off of the floor after being referred to as press, I started looking at what events I’ll […] Read more…

Pennie Post: May 2015

I’m sorry for my lateness in writing about Pennie Post! Pennie Post was one of the victims of Boxes That Got Lost In My Move. I really did think I changed my address on everything but you know what? I was wrong. If you’re just joining us, Pennie Post is a subscription “box”– it’s technically […] Read more…