Boxy Ladies


A self-proclaimed beauty junkie/hoarder with a serious Sephora problem. This blog is a total rationalization of that problem. Everything is TOTALLY fine. Her free time is a mixed combination of making fun of reality TV with her husband, hanging out with cats and finally trying to figure out how to do her hair.

Pennie Post- November 2014

<a href=””>Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>   Hi! I realize I have only been a member of Pennie Post for one other month but this is my favorite month to date! They included a lot of fun things in this month’s envelope that I wasn’t expecting. Onto the contents! One of the fun things they […] Read more…

Julep Maven: November 2014

November Julep Maven time again! Julep Maven is a monthly nail polish subscription service that sends you polishes and other products based on a style profile. You can always choose a different style profile box or you can do nothing and receive your default. These days when you sign up you are able to customize […] Read more…

Memebox Luckybox #10

Hello! I am excited to report that I am totally loving my second Memebox. After my first experience with Memebox, I was a little scared of Memebox. However, the beauty of Memebox is that every box is different! This particular box was $29.99 but most boxes range between $20-$35. The only bummer issue with Memebox […] Read more…

Friday Favorites

Well, we all know by now… I got married. That is pretty awesome. That is definitely my favorite thing that happened this week. What no one ever tells you about getting married is how surreal it is and how it will take some time to “feel” married. What everyone DOES tell you is how fast […] Read more…

Birchbox: April 2013 (Random, I know)

After we started this blog, my friend Amy reached out to me and let me know she had a few sub boxes that she never opened. I don’t understand the restraint she showed by not opening them but her loss was Boxy Ladies’ gain, as she passed along those boxes to me for review! She […] Read more…

Voluptees – October 2014

Sigh. There’s nothing I hate more than mayo and being disappointed by a subscription box for reasons outside of my control. I subscribed to Splendies in September (you can read all about that here and here) and had an issue with the sizing. If you’re not familiar with Splendies, they are a monthly subscription box […] Read more…

POPSUGAR – October 2014

Have you ever been crawling across a desert, tortured by thirst and famine, tricked by mirages, with all hope lost? Neither have we, but that’s what it felt like for the entire month of October while we were waiting for our PopSugar Must Have boxes to finally arrive. We’ve said this a few times, but we love […] Read more…

Memebox Special #40 Head-to-Toe

Hey friends! I am excited to write about my very first Memebox. (This is pronounced me-me box but nothing will ever stop me from calling it “meem” box.) I have been jealously reading other bloggers’ experiences with Memeboxes and one night I was very tired and just ordered a few of them. Memeboxes are not […] Read more…