Jill and I have been friends since 2008-ish and have had some fun times. I recently got a new computer and I found some old pictures of us so I’m going to do a Some Time Ago Sunday for you. You’re welcome. They were… burry times. Read more…
Friday Favorites – My favorite outfit for Fall!

Fall is by far my favorite season. The weather cools off, no one looks at you funny if you wear a scarf, and there’s something pumpkin flavored available within a 2 foot radius of anywhere I find myself. Plus I look really good in boots. Fall is also when “fashion” comes back, in my opinion. I […] Read more…
September Sephora Haul

Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. This isn’t quite a “haul.” But I did order a few of my favorite things so I thought I would share them with you. I often think about the mistakes I made in my youth and so sometimes I wonder what piece of advice I would give 21 […] Read more…
Wantable Intimates: September 2014

Wantable is a company that has a few different kinds of subscription boxes. They have one for makeup, jewelry, and intimates. I subscribe to the Intimates box. For $36 a month they send you a box of underwear/bras/loungewear based on your preferences. I have seen several different boxes from other people on other sites and […] Read more…
Splendies! A Box of Undies.

I hadn’t heard of Splendies until a very recent bout of coffee-induced insomnia during which I was half-awake, googling for new subscription boxes. $12/month for 3 pairs of underwear ($8 if you use the code SPLENDIES), and in the pictures they seemed to be pretty cute drawers. By morning, I had completely forgotten that I […] Read more…
October 2014 Julep Maven Options

Yesterday Jill gave you a sneak peak at the Black Magic collection Julep released for October and now we have the full collection! As for add on’s, here are your choices for the month: New Mavens are able to customize their boxes a little more than […] Read more…
Julep Maven October 2014 Spoilers!

Uh oh, someone leaked the new colors in next month’s Julep Maven box a little early, and I love them (as usual)! Introducing the Black Magic Collection! I love dark cremes, so I’m really looking forward to this box! Looks like some updated lip glosses and a face mask as well. Can’t wait for the […] Read more…
Friday Favorites

Each Friday, Jill and I are going to compile a list of our favorite things of the week. They aren’t limited to boxes. They aren’t really limited to anything. Just fun things that we like that maybe you will, too. We’ll trade off Fridays and someday you might see a Very Special Combined Friday Favorites edition. But […] Read more…
POPSUGAR Must Have: September 2014

I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you that the POPSUGAR Must Have box is my favorite box. This is a box that’s totally curated by POPSUGAR so they don’t send things based on preferences but whoever picks out the products there knows what they are doing. It’s about $40 a month but almost all […] Read more…
Want it Wednesday: Urban Decay Vice 3

So there comes a time in all of our lives when we want all the new pretty makeup in the world but you have “responsibilities” like “building a house” and “saving for the future.” Sometimes it sucks to be an adult. But it’s fun to dream! I’m building my Christmas/life wish list and the Urban […] Read more…