Boxy Ladies

Beauty Boxes

Birchbox – February 2016 – Jill’s Box

Birchbox and I started out a little rocky a few years back, but lately they have been absolutely nailing it! I’ve been really enjoying every box…until this one (uh-oh). How is it possible to get a box just so very wrong for me? Sigh. It was bound to happen. A little about Birchbox before I dive into […] Read more…

Allure Beauty Box: February 2016

I am so glad my Allure Beauty Box is here because it’s still my favorite beauty box. If anyone ever asks me which beauty box they should get, I always tell them this one because for $15/month, you get a box of high-end products from brands you’ve actually heard of before!  Allure always kills it […] Read more…

Play! by Sephora: January 2016

I’m excited to write about the January Play! by Sephora box. I’m mostly excited because Sephora made a boo boo last month and did not send me my December box. I had to get all Pro Blogger on them to understand why that happened. Initially, they sent me an email letting me know that I […] Read more…

Target Refresh Beauty Box

Target has once again outdone themselves. The mega store started releasing Beauty Boxes once a month(-ish) packed with deluxe sized samples and full-sized items from their beauty inventory. Lauren and I have been super lucky to get them each time so far – they sell out in just an hour or two. By the way, […] Read more…

Birchbox – January 2016 – Jill’s Box

It’s January, and that means it’s resolution (and Birchbox) time! The box design this month was adorable – a fill-in-the-blank top with a sheet of stickers so you can customize your box! Ambition and strength are great platitudes, but here’s mine: I am going to try super ultra mega hard to use more of the […] Read more…