Boxy Ladies

Play! by Sephora

Play! by Sephora: July 2018

I’ve really been enjoying my Sephora Play boxes lately. I didn’t share my personal box last month because Jill blogged about hers and it seemed like overkill, but I did get the special edition “Play Smarts” box, and I really enjoyed that as well. (It’s still on sale if you wanted to pick it up!) […] Read more…

Play! by Sephora: May 2018

I just couldn’t quit Play! by Sephora for very long. As you might remember, I pulled back on a bunch of boxes towards the beginning of the year. However, I really missed a few boxes, and so I got Allure Beauty Box again, and then recently, I went back for Play! By Sephora. It was […] Read more…

Play! by Sephora – March 2018

This month’s Play! by Sephora bag was super silky and cute this month, and it also seemed to be a little fuller than normal (which is a thing I will never complain about ever). Play! by Sephora Price: $10/month Box Type: Beauty products, 5-6 deluxe samples Why you’ll love it: High end brands (no drugstore products […] Read more…

Play! by Sephora: December 2017

As you have noticed, it is 2018 and I am just now posting about my December 2017 Play! by Sephora box. Since we took a bit of time off, I got a little behind in my December boxes, so forgive me! Play! by Sephora Price: $10/month Box Type: This is a beauty box that contains deluxe samples […] Read more…

Play! by Sephora: November 2017

I just realized today that I didn’t ever blog about my November Play! by Sephora box! Play! by Sephora Price: $10/month Box Type: This is a beauty box that contains deluxe samples (and occasionally full-sized) products that can be found at Sephora. Why you’ll love it: Ummmm, did you see it’s all fun products that come from Sephora? Some boxes […] Read more…