Boxy Ladies

Walmart Beauty Box

Walmart Beauty Box: Summer 2018

Once again, I forgot that the Walmart Beauty Box existed until it showed up in my mailbox, but I’m still glad I have this subscription. For $5, I almost always get products I’m excited to try, so I definitely recommend this subscription! WALMART BEAUTY BOX Price: $5 per quarter Box Type: A mix of drugstore beauty, hair […] Read more…

Walmart Beauty Box: Fall 2016

Here we are again, with the Walmart Beauty Box. The box I forget that I subscribe to until it shows up. You’d think that by now WALMART BEAUTY BOX Price: $5 per quarter Box Type: A mix of drugstore beauty, hair and body product samples. There are two boxes, an “older” box which usually contains more […] Read more…

Walmart Beauty Box: Fall 2015

I tend to forget about my Walmart Beauty Boxes for a number of reasons. First, they are quarterly, so I’m not anxiously awaiting them every month. And second, they are only $5 so I don’t really miss that from my bank account. That is less than what I spend at Starbucks on the weekends. But […] Read more…

Walmart Beauty Box: Summer

I actually sort of forgot about Walmart’s Beauty Box. I suppose that is kind of bad for a Subscription Box Blogger. But I was looking over my finances the other day and I saw the $5 charge from Walmart and thought, “Huh. I forgot that was a thing.” I never saw any spoilers or anything […] Read more…

Walmart Beauty box: Winter 2014

I am loving the trend of the big superstores sending out seasonal Beauty Boxes. Unlike Target’s box, Walmart’s box is an actual subscription. For $5, they will send you a quarterly box of drugstore makeup/body/hair products. Can anyone say “Bargain?”  There are a few different variations of this box but I am thrilled with the one I […] Read more…