Boxy Ladies

From J+L

Happy New Year— In More Ways Than One!

Happy 2018, friends! Thanks for understanding we needed a little time off. Sometimes working full time and publishing three blogs a week can take a bit of a toll, especially if things are stressful in our respective personal lives. But at the end of the day, we love our blog and love what we’ve created […] Read more…

Friday Favorites – ULTA EDITION!

I always go back and forth between Sephora and Ulta as my #1 favorite beauty store. Both stores have their own branded cosmetic lines, and until recently both have been pretty hit or miss. Ulta has recently stepped up their Ulta Collection product line to the point where they are seriously competing with much more […] Read more…

Gone Fishin’

Jill and I are taking a little break but we should be back with blogs for you on Friday. Maybe Monday. But definitely soon.  Also, we discussed how terrible and hilarious it would be if we actually tried to go fishing together. We won’t ever do that to ourselves. But we’ll be back in a […] Read more…

All About Essences

I’ve been using an essence twice a day for over a year now, and it has completely transformed my complexion. My skin is vibrant, soft, supple, and most of the fine lines that were starting to appear have completely vanished. Adding an essence to your skincare regimen is one of the best moves you can […] Read more…

Friday Favorites: Favorite YouTube Makeup Gals

We don’t talk about too much “real” life because our blog is a fun escape! However, in my real life, politics and current events have not… been going my way. So what I’ve been doing is instead of watching the news or reading more articles, is start watching more beauty YouTube videos. And you could […] Read more…

New Year’s Eve Makeup + The Chic Machine Giveaway!

Hello, friends! We hope everyone had amazing holidays! We are excited to once again collaborate with The Chic Machine to celebrate the re-launch of her blog! She’s actually doing a pretty awesome giveaway so you should definitely go to her site and check out her new look and enter to win some awesome makeup while you are […] Read more…

Friday Favorites – Korean Skincare Regimen

Brace yourselves, this is going to be a long one. For my entire life my skin has been dry, dull, red, and super sensitive. It’s been a long cyclical pattern where products work, then they don’t, then new ones work, then my skin freaks out, then the cycle repeats itself. I’m in my mid-30s now, so […] Read more…