Boxy Ladies

From J+L

Happy Blog-iversary!

We did it! We made it a whole year! Wooohooooooo!!! We’re breaking out the bubbly because we sure have accomplished a lot in one year. We’ve posted 275 blogs, made a splash on social media, and gained over 10k readers – not to mention meeting the many of you who have become friends. We both got married, […] Read more…

Friday Favorites: Baublebar Obsession

My obsession with Baublebar is not news… I have been kind of obsessed with their on-trend, reasonably priced jewelry for quite some time now. This stuff won’t be those things you treasure forever but Baublebar consistently produces great costume jewelry that earns me tons of compliments. I love compliments. And jewelry. I heart Baublebar. (And […] Read more…

Tuesday Newsday?

I am going to be honest with y’all for a second. We are in a little bit of a drought in terms of boxes. Sometimes the end of the month into the first week of the month there is a little bit of a lull but I can normally pull something together. I like having […] Read more…

Friday Favorites – ThredUp

ThredUp has become my favorite site to shop for clothes. As far as consignment shops go, they usually require quite a bit of rummaging through before finding something that you actually like. I kicked the used clothes habit after college, but ThredUp has brought me back – in a big way. They are currently running […] Read more…

Home Office Inspiration

As most of you know, my husband and I just bought our first house in April. While we have bought a few pieces and it looks decent from a day-to-day perspective, I really want to give our guest room a makeover so it can eventually double as my Home Office/Blogging HQ. When I saw this […] Read more…

Friday Favorites – Skincare

Lately I’ve been getting a lot of compliments on my skin. I am almost 33; generally speaking, the skin compliments have come to an end by the time you reach 30. It wasn’t until the past couple of years that I’ve really understood what my skin needs and how to have glowing, even, supple skin. Seriously, at 33 […] Read more…

Friday Favorites

It occurred to me recently that we haven’t done a Friday Favorites in a really long time. This isn’t a bad thing because this means we have had a ton of boxes to review. Business is booming! Or something. So I wanted to tell you about what I’ve been into lately… Coloring. Yeah, I know. […] Read more…