Boxy Ladies

Love With Food – November 2015

It’s Love With Food time again! Not only is this one of my favorite food boxes, LWF does great things with the money they collect from subscriptions – they donate a meal to a hungry child for each box they sell! There are 3 different subscription options to choose from: the regular tasting box ($7.99-9.99/month), a deluxe tasting box […] Read more…

YouTube Hair Tutorials I Love!

Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of a “real” blog post today but I’ve been sick with laryngitis and some congestion so I haven’t been able to fully review the Influenster Spice Vox Box I received. But keep an eye out for my review of that to come! But now, I have a confession to […] Read more…

POPSUGAR Must Have: November 2015

I have to be honest with y’all, because that’s what we do here. I have had this POPSUGAR Must Have box for WEEKS but because I have been so underwhelmed by the contents that I haven’t even wanted to blog about it at all. Jill and I both receive the POPSUGAR Must Have box and […] Read more…

Memebox – Shara Shara Box

I’m new to Memebox (pronounced “me-me box”), but I was in the market for a few different face masks so I figured I’d give it a go. Memebox is entirely K-beauty. I’m totally into Korean skincare, so I’ve been curious about getting one of their rotating pre-curated boxes. Unlike a subscription box, these are one-off […] Read more…