Boxy Ladies

Julep: March 2015

It’s March Maven time! I was really excited to receive my box after the super fun Dallas Maven Meetup! Julep Maven is a box that both Jill and I receive. For $25/month, you are able to customize a box of nail polish and beauty products. Julep Maven started out as all nail polish but now they […] Read more…

Taste Trunk – February 2015

You may have noticed that I didn’t write about Taste Trunk last month. Due to a billing mishap on their end I was deprived of one of my favorite boxes, so I was really looking forward to the February box to make up for the mess. I feel it’s important to note that Taste Trunk […] Read more…

Friday Favorites – Winter TV Edition

The winter season used to be a giant void of good television. There was nothing from October through March that was worth watching, save a few HBO shows here or there. Well folks, the times are a-changin’. There is some legit good TV as well as some really great guilty indulgences that grace the airwaves in […] Read more…

Woman Crush Wednesday: Lisa Eldridge

I recently discovered professional makeup artist and YouTube sensation Lisa Eldridge through a magazine. I think it was Allure? Maybe Vogue. I’m not entirely sure. While sometimes I fall down the rabbit hole of YouTube watching makeup videos essentially created by teenagers, I was pleased to discover a more… “grown up” take on the makeup YouTube […] Read more…

Sunset 45: February 2015

Sunset 45 is definitely one of my favorite boxes. I never know what sorts of jewelry they are going to send and the boxes are always so thoughtfully curated. Ever since I switched to the Classics box, I’ve been getting some really great pieces. For $30/month, Sunset 45 will send a box of jewelry and accessories […] Read more…

Friday Favorites- It’s Lauren Again

This is an exciting weekend because it is Jill’s bachelorette party weekend in New Orleans! While I am a bridesmaid in Jill’s wedding, I was unfortunately not able to go to what is bound to be the adventure of a lifetime due to things like “responsibility” and “building a house.” I’m sure Jill will be […] Read more…

Boxycharm: February 2015

Oh, Boxycharm. Sigh. I tried! I really did try. However, I think 5 boxes was enough for me to know that Boxycharm may not be a good fit for me anymore. In theory, they are great! For $21/month they send a box of 5-6 full sized products. I always did like that they sent bigger […] Read more…

Ipsy: February 2015

It’s time for February’s ipsy glam bag! For $10/month, ipsy will send a makeup bag with mostly makeup products but sometimes hair, nails and beauty tools. This price-point is really nice because sometimes they will throw in a high-end product as well. While this is a bag I like and recommend it to anyone that […] Read more…