I absolutely love the Target Beauty Boxes! I promised you last time that I would write a special post letting y’all know when they went on sale and I totally did on June 1st. Did y’all get one? There were two boxes this time: a Father’s Day box (for the guys), and a regular Target Beauty Box for Summer (for the gals.) Jill is going to write about the Summer Beauty Box in the next few days (click on the link here!) and I’ll throw in my opinions since I got one also. But today, I’m reviewing the Father’s Day box!
I decided to buy this box for Matt because the Father’s Day box was $5.00 and it seemed like a great value. I realized later that this would have made a nice gift for our dads a little too late. I mean, it was IN THE NAME. Oh well. NEXT TIME. I asked Matt to help me review the products. Let’s see how well that went.
I love their packaging. Looks so slick! It’s the same for guys and girls.
I actually secretly wanted this box for myself because of the razor. Razors are expensive, y’all. And they don’t have to be pink to work on legs. Just saying.
Here’s everything and I’ll go into more detail below:
- Gillette Fusion ProGlide Razor
- Axe Styling Messy Look Gel
- Axe Styling Spiked Up Extra Hold Gel
- Dove Men + Care Oxygen Charge Shampoo
- Orabrush Tongue Cleaner
Axe Spiked Up Extra Hold Gel: Matt said this product “might be good.”
Dove Men + Care Oxygen Charge Shampoo: Matt also said this product was “good” and would “be good for travel” but he does not want me to replace his Head and Shoulders shampoo.
Axe Styling Messy Look Gel: Weirdly enough, Matt said this was “better than the other one” and “more like his other stuff” which I can only assume is his Toni and Guy S Factor Creamy Molding Wax.
Gillette Fusion ProGlide Razor (full size, $8.99): Matt was most excited about the razor so I didn’t try to steal it for myself. In fact, Matt might have even said this was “pretty good.” I asked if he could elaborate and he said, “Well, I’ve always used Gillette, so…”
Sigh. This is not going well.
Orabrush Tongue Cleaner (full size, $4.49): I thought Matt wasn’t going to be as into this but he took it out and started using it right away. I suppose his tongue is now cleaner than mine. I don’t remember if he told me specifically if he thought this was “good” or not. He later came back and confirmed that this was indeed “good.”
Final Grade: A+
I love Target beauty boxes. No matter which one you buy, it will always be a tremendous value. Not possible for a Target Beauty Box to get less than an A from me! (And I am translating all of Matt’s “goods” into an A. I’m doing my best here.)
As I did last time, I will post again when the next Target Beauty Boxes go on sale so you will be the first to know! But you need to sign up for our emails to get the word first!
hahahaha Sorry, I don’t comment more but I read many of these posts. And, this is possibly my favorite one yet. I can so see Chris responding the same way. I also got Chris this box and will give it to him Sunday. He’ll never use the hair gel but I want to try it on Benjamin. He’ll probably be most “excited” by the razor too bc he also has “always used Gilette”. Good.
I was laughing so hard when I was writing this. Matt gave me so much to work with… Hahaha. He was like, “What do you want me to say? Everything was good.”