This month’s Birchbox MORE than makes up for last month’s disaster box. I love every single thing in it and it has made me fall in love with this sub again (funny how that happens). One of the great things about Birchbox is that each box is more or less different. Lauren’s box not only had totally different items, but her box design was different too! Neat.
But first, the info: Each monthly box is full of high-end samples at $10/month. They also have an online shop with full-sized versions of the samples you’ve received. Bonus, if you review the items you’ve received you can earn actual $$ to spend in the shop! I take full advantage of that. Ok, enough chat, let’s see what I got:
Perk Up Dry Shampoo by Amika ($24 for full size) – This was the only item I knew was coming this month. If you subscribe to Birchbox’s emails, they will let you select one item that is guaranteed to be in your box that month (which I love), and this month I picked the Amika dry shampoo. I can’t get enough dry shampoo, and this one is better than most.
Color & Smudge Shadow Crayon in Aspen Pine by treStiQue ($26, received full size!!) – I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. The cap looks like a fat, sharpened crayon, which led to a confusing incident where I nearly blinded myself pressing harder and harder to get it to work (I know). I can’t take myself seriously after incidents like that. Anyway. The color is a gorgeous shimmery olive that looks super good with my brown eyes, plus it really stayed put all day without creasing.
Hydrating Collagen Eye Pads by Wilma Schumann Skin Care ($18 for full size) – These pads were easy to use and left me looking refreshed and hydrated. I have never used collagen eye pads before, but the skin around my eyes was visibly brighter for the whole day after I used them, so maybe it’s something I would try again!
Stainiac by theBalm Cosmetics ($17 for full size) – This stain smoothes on lips like a balm but tints like a stain! Behold, the exact lip product I’ve been searching for. As a bonus, it can also be rather effectively used to tint cheeks as well! The color isn’t intense, so it’s perfect.
Hot Sauce Thermal Heat-Activated Conditioner by FHI Brands ($16 for full size) – I don’t usually use leave-in conditioners, but I did put a little on the ends of my hair as a test and my strands felt nicely hydrated all day. I have enough left to give it a proper try, so I will be doing that soon.
Final Rating: A
I really loved this box. I was not a fan of the February box, but this one more than makes up for it. They released spoilers for the sample selection already and based on that I have a feeling the April box is going to be awesome as well!
Click here to check out Birchbox and get $5 off your first box!
Purchased by me, all opinions are my own. Post contains affiliate links.
OMG I had a very similar incident with the crayon, got one from ipsy. I thought, oh no, there is no cap on this and kept trying to write with it. So embarrassing.
It was not my finest moment. Solidarity, sister.